Dwarves of Demrel also called “Dwarves of Dragon Mountain” in some markets, is a low budget fantasy film that came out around 2018. I wanted to talk about this movie because the cuckold critics absolutely trashed it on the review sites. The same critics that spasm and foam in ecstasy when Disney vomits out the gorillionth brave and stunning marvel McMovie™. They can’t wait to give 5 stars to woke horseshit that has about as much effort as the latest Madden reskin.
Dwarves of Demrel was an earnest effort created by a very small team with a clearly limited budget. But what they came up with was what I, as a real deal OG fantasy enjoyer, considered to be a rough cut gem.
The plot is about 3 dwarven miners who are the last crew of their kind still in operation drilling away in Dragon Mountain. The reason they are the last is because humans have developed technology that has rendered their people obsolete. The dwarves mourn the fact that the cultural pride of their race has been replaced by machines. And in this lonely mountain they chip away knowing their purpose is in its final days. There’s a real tension among the comrades in regards to the political realities of their changing world and each dwarf has a bias towards it due to financial or personal reasons.
During their final row in the dark harrowing subterranean tunnel ways there’s a freak collapse rendering the three dwarves trapped in the mine. But nobody is there to hear it and nobody is coming to help. So with dwindling supplies the dwarves struggle for survival as they run out of time. As they go deeper trying to find a way out they stumble on some other strange life lurking below.
This is not a happy-go-lucky magical folk tale. Dwarves of Demrel is a bleak, hopeless story of survival. And that’s what makes this movie so unique. The fantasy isn’t what the movie is about. This is a story about very realistic and tragic circumstances of common people that don't usually get the main stage in a fantasy story. The fantasy is just the setting. The story itself is about struggle, friendship, betrayal and the regular Joes that a changing world leaves behind.
That’s what these hivemind critic toads didn't like about it. Not the low budget practical effects or pacing issues. They had a subconscious visceral rejection of what they refuse to acknowledge. That their self-aggrandizing worldview and “progress” fetish consistently steps on the little guys. This movie forced them to look at the victimized working class, their most hated demographic. It makes them look at in the eyes of those whom they purposely displace. And they can't handle it.
That being said, the Dwarves of Demrel does have some elements of a low budget movie. The biggest problem of this movie is there are some pretty slow scenes. The entire film has a very grey and dark atmosphere which intentionally sets a tone of dread. So some of the scenes feel like they drag unnecessarily. This isn't an upbeat colorful movie. There are many scenes where you're just hearing cave sounds as the camera pans across drab earthen walls.
The cast is limited to only the 3 dwarves with one exception. However, the actors that play them are excellent. The dialogue is organic and well written. The dwarves have many conversations reminiscing about family, their life regrets and what they’ll do when they escape. The trio go from panic to cooperation and even descend into arguments pointing fingers at one another. As the story goes on there is a reveal that destroys their trust for one another.
Dwarves of Demrel isn’t LotR. It’s about what happens to some regular old dwarves that nobody cares about. For that reason I found it fresh and unique. We’ve seen the heroes, wizards, dragons and epic world saving sagas. This movie shows us a realer more gritty underbelly of a fantasy world and the fates of those whom inhabit it. Dwarves of Demrel is an absolute must watch for real enjoyers of the fantasy tradition. It’s not a masterpiece but it's a creative angle to themes that have been gutted and commodified by corpo vampires. And they did it with three lonely dwarves left to die in the dark depths of Dragon Mountain.
The critics who trashed this movie are retards. I rate it 7/10
Possible spoiler: The ending is possibly the saddest ending to any movie I've ever seen. I actually cried. Thank you creators of Dwarves of Demrel for creating a piece of art that actually made me feel something.
Here’s a link to watch it for free. But you should support the creators and go purchase a copy.
i agree wholeheartedly